Full meaning of Unicef ? What is the full form of Unicef ?

Full meaning of Unicef in English 

UNICEF full form is the "United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund." 

 U - United 
 N - Nations 
 I - International 
 C - Children's 
 E - Emergency 
 F - Fund 

UNICEF was initially established in 1946 as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund to provide emergency relief and support to children in war-torn countries. However, over time, its mandate expanded to encompass a broader range of issues related to child development, health, education, protection, and advocacy. 

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In 1953, the name was changed to the "United Nations Children's Fund" to reflect its broader mandate beyond emergency assistance. Despite the change in name, the acronym "UNICEF" has remained the same. 

It works to promote the rights and well-being of children worldwide, advocating for their survival, protection, and development. UNICEF's work includes initiatives in health and nutrition, water and sanitation, education, child protection, emergency response, and social policy.

What is the full form of Unicef in English

Today, UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories, partnering with governments, civil society organizations, and communities to ensure that every child has the opportunity to survive, thrive, and reach their full potential.

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